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HomeNews Spinal Cord Injury Spinal Cord Injuries: An Overview
May 04, 2017 in News --> Spinal Cord Injury
There aren't many events in life that can be defined as 'life-changing,' but a spinal cord injury is certainly one of them. These injuries can happen to anyone at almost any time, and can have lasting, traumatic impacts on the injury victim and their friends, family, employer, and community, in addition to putting significant strain on the healthcare system.
Whether acquired through a slip-and-fall incident, on the sports field, as a result of hospital negligence, or in an automotive accident, spinal cord injury victims often require extensive care and the aid of a personal injury or medical malpractice lawyer. Let's learn a little bit more about this serious form of injury.
Spinal injuries may result in restricted mobility and agility, and lingering chronic pain. An individual's ability to control their extremities will depend on the severity of their injury and its location along the spinal cord.
The extent of a spinal cord injury is sometimes classified by its “completeness.” Complete paralysis occurs when an individual loses all or almost all sensation and mobility below the point of their injury. Incomplete paralysis, of which there are varying degrees, occurs in individuals who retain the ability to move and feel below the affected area.
Spinal injuries may also be defined as 'tetraplegia' or 'quadriplegia,' wherein the victim's arms, hands, trunk, legs, and pelvic organs are all affected; or 'paraplegia' which generally affects only the trunk, legs, and pelvic organs.
The circumstances surrounding an injury will determine whether the injury victim should enlist the help of a standard personal injury lawyer or a medical malpractice lawyer. Some medical procedures can lead to spinal injury, as can instances of medical negligence that lead to falls.
In order to understand the severity and prevalence of spinal cord injuries, consider a few of the following figures:
If you or a member of your family has suffered a spinal cord injury, consider contacting a Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers personal injury or medical malpractice lawyer today. We have decades of experiencing representing Ontario's injured citizens and ensuring they have access to the resources they need for the best possible recovery.
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